URAC Round 4 suprise wins!

UBL Admin UBL Saturday

Miami back to defending their title with the return of He-man Sam defeating Splash Bros rocking their Golden State threads. The Show bounce back with a strong performance against Airballs after going down to Spartans last week, rematch next week. Spartans cruise past Blaze, looking in good form, great chemistry at the moment. Don Juans in their best performance in the UBL yet stretching Ballbreakers losing streakWhile there are treatments, many men aren’t viagra generika mouthsofthesouth.com keen on discussing this problem with doctors, therefore aren’t aware that there is help out there. http://mouthsofthesouth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/MOTS-12.17.16-Clinton.pdf tadalafil 20mg price It heals the damaged tissues and nerves in the penile organ. As the name indicates, this is the jelly generico cialis on line form of medicine which is not just easy to be digested but also is tasty. When you buy Silagra online, be informed about conditions such as, Peyronie’s Disease or any kind of penis deformity, stomach ulcers and eye condition including retinitis pigmentosa. “…cialis buy cialis is proven to work up to 36 hours and as fast as 30 minutes in some patients. . Madd Skillz on a hot streak out running PS Ballerz who fell short at the end. Miami Vice 42 def Splash Bros 36 Sam M 34pts, Ryan F 12pts The Show 50 def Airballs 40 Glenn 22pts, Joe 10pts Spartans 66 def Blaze 51 Jake 19pts, Smylie 19pts Don Juans 59 def Ballbreakers 37 Mo Jaber 24pts, Aiman 15pts Madd Skillz 54 def PS Ballerz 50 Ben 14pts, Juaard 20pts MIB Forfeit Round 4 Top Scorers Sam M 34pts (Miami Vice) Mo Jaber 24pts (Don Juans)